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The VOX AC30C2-CM boasts two channels: Normal and Top-Boost. Each channel has its own Volume control. The Top Boost channel has highly interactive Treble and Bass tone controls. This powerful channel pairing provides good tone-crafting control, allowing you to get your own classic sound.
The Master section has Tone Cut and Volume controls. The Tone Cut control operates in the power stage rather than the preamp stage, giving an additional degree of tone-shaping. The Master Volume control works in conjunction with the individual volumes of each channel to create just the right degree of gain-staging. By balancing the individual and Master volumes, the Custom Series can deliver everything from a clean VOX “chimey” sound to a powerful overdriven tone.
Use the VOX Classic Tremolo effect to give more depth to the sound. You can adjust both the speed and the depth. There’s also a warm Spring Reverb on all Custom Series amps to give spaciousness to the sound. The AC30C2-CM features an additional tone control in the Reverb section.
The AC30C2-CM makes use of 3 x 12AX7 preamp tubes and 4 x EL84 tubes to deliver 30 Watts of power through a pair of 12″ Celestion G12M Greenback speakers. Like all models in the Custom Series, the AC30C2-BL has a switchable 8/16 ohm output jack for powering an external speaker cabinet; using this jack will mute the internal speakers. There’s also a 2nd extension speaker jack which lets you run an extra 16 ohm cabinet along with the internal speakers for a fuller sound.
– Output Power: 30 Watts RMS into 16 Ohms
– Tube Complement: Preamp: ECC83 / 12AX7 (x3), Power amp: EL84 (x4), Speakers: 12″ Celestion G12M Green Back (x2); 8 Ohm
– Inputs:
– Normal Channel Jacks: High (x1), Low (x1)
– Top Boost Channel Jacks: High (x1), Low (x1)
– Foot Switch Jack, FX Loop Return
– Controls:
– Normal Channel: Volume
– Top Boost Channel: Volume, Treble, Bass
– Reverb: Tone, Level
– Tremolo: Speed, Depth
– Master: Tone Cut, Volume
– Outputs: Extension Speaker Jack, External Speaker Jack, FX LOOP Send
– Physical Specs:
– Dimensions: Width: 702 mm (27.64″), Depth: 265 mm (10.43″), Height: 556 mm (21.89″)
– Weight: 32.2 kg / 70.99 lbs.