Vandoren Microfibre Clarinet Swab


Vandoren Microfibre Clarinet Swab

This clarinet swab is a must have accessory for any clarinetist in order to keep their clarinet clean and healthy. Made of top quality microfibres it also protects the instrument from scratching.

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Microfibre Technology This cloth uses microfibres on the cloth which are extremely useful for instrumentalists. This enables anyone to clean their instrument thoroughly without scratching any of the finish. This in turn provides a better result than most polishing materials and lint cloths. As well as this Vandoren has been stitched in to the corner providing a professional look to the cloth. Weighted Pull Through Cord Included on this cloth is a strong and durable cord which enables the performer to be able to pull the cloth through the various parts of the clarinet easily. As well as this a weight is added to the end making it easy to feed the cord through the instrument.