Seymour Duncan Antiquity Fender Mandolin Pickup


Seymour Duncan Antiquity Fender Mandolin Pickup

The Seymour Duncan Antiquity Fender Mandolin Pickup is perfectly hand crafted vintage Mandolin pickup perfect for a Fender model. This pickup is ornately weathered to give it an original look and feel.

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Designed For Early Fender Mandolins The Seymour Duncan Antiquity Fender Mandolin Pickup is designed for an early Fender solid body mandolin. Weathered beautifully to give an original vintage feel and with a coil wound “top going” and north polarity this pickup is perfect for restoring a Fender Solid body to its former glory. Features Restore A Fender Solid body Mandolin To Its Former Glory Ornately Weathered Hand Built Authentic Vintage Look For Fender Solid body Mandolin Specifications DCR: 4.6 Magnet: Alnico 2 Cable: Cloth Push-back