Remo Babies Make Music Kit (Infants – 2 Years)


Remo Babies Make Music Kit (Infants - 2 Years)

The Remo Babies Make Music Kit is the perfect product for any young child. Whether being used at home or at school the Babies Make Music Kit gives infants their first opportunity to play an instrument. Designed by Lynn Kleiner (internationally renowned clinician and early childhood music education expert) alongside Remo it is designed to endure the wildest of music sessions. Children will have endless fun playing with this kit for hours on end. Its components are the perfect size for your childs hands to hold the pieces of the kit.

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Developed with Lynn Kleiner Lynn Kleiner Director of Music Rhapsody (a music school for parents and infants) is a strong believer in childrens involvement in music from an early age. Alongside doing work in schools and trying to bring music into more young children’s lives she has also brought out a range of signature instruments through the company Remo. Working alongside founder of Remo she developed her line of childrens instruments putting great consideration into making the safest most durable and highest quality instruments. Kit contains: Remo Baby Drum & Mallet Maraca Red Scarf Bell Stick Baby Booklet