Tonebar Slide for Lapsteel by Gear4music


Tonebar Slide for Lapsteel by Gear4music

The Tonebar by Gear4music is a superbly machined high grade steel tonebar slide that offers a great way to expand the versatility of your playing or master the lap steel. Whether for blues folk or rock styles this is an essential accessory for any guitarist looking to expand their tonal palette.

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This high grade steel slide offers a tonally unique method of expanding the versatility of your playing. Designed to produce the best tonal properties this slide is made from a single dense piece of steel and is machined to be as smooth as possible providing the surface needed to perform flawless elegant sweeps up and down the fretboard. Music is for everyone so we’re making it easier for you to start playing. Backed by our years of professional experience the Gear4music range gives you access to a vast collection of instruments audio gear and accessories. Produced ethically and responsibly theyre suitable for every musical interest while meeting the expectations of a caring world. There’s never been a better time to start making music.